The SPINTHEORY workshop is organized in the framework of the SPINTHEORY Transverse Project of PEPR SPIN.
It will take place in Marseille, on June 3rd and 4th, on the Luminy campus.
The objective of this workshop is to promote exchanges within the community around the different issues of PEPR SPIN: (i) materials for spintronics, (ii) spin transport, (iii) ultrafast phenomena, (iv ) complex magnetic textures, and (v) simulation of spin-based components.
It will be structured around sessions dedicated to the different Targeted Projects, CHIREX, TOAST, SWING, SPINCOM, and ADAGE, as well as to the platforms SPINMAT and SPINCHARAC.
We are delighted to announce that all the abstracts have been granted an oral presentation of 15min, followed by 5min for questions.